专利名称:Thin film for package of alkaline battery and
thin air battery using the same
发明人:Koshi Takamura,Harunari
Shimamura,Nobuharu Koshiba
摘要:There is provided a thin air battery comprising a power-generating elementincluding air diffusion paper and a water repellent film, the power-generating elementsealed in a package composed of first and third sheet layers that cover the air electrodeside and negative electrode side of the power-generating element, and a second sheetlayer disposed in the peripheral portion between the two sheet layers and joined to thetwo sheet layers. The sheet layers are each composed of a thin film formed by stackingan alkali resistant polymer film having hydrogen gas permeability and a polymer filmhaving gas barrier properties, and in each of the first and third sheet layers, the polymerfilm having hydrogen gas permeability is disposed on the internal surface side. According
to the present invention, a thin air battery that has high energy density and has excellentlong-term reliability is provided.
申请人:Koshi Takamura,Harunari Shimamura,Nobuharu Koshiba
地址:Osaka JP,Osaka JP,Nara JP